and here is my tshirt for the madeit tshirt competition. its a kiddies tshirt and my M stands for mini me which i thought was cute for a kids tshirt. it features my kessie illustration and hand stitched elements and buttons. the photos aren't great so i will update when i get to take some in the day light!
this is a tshirt & a late this is
so this is a bit of a combined post. i haven't had time to do my 'this is' post this week so here it goes. this is the thing i got but still haven't used (well hardly used anyway!) :
its my dark room. since i started working i haven't even been in there and it is honestly one of my favourite places in the world. i just could spend hours in there and really wish i could. maybe i'll have to have a photo day or something. don't know.
and here is my tshirt for the madeit tshirt competition. its a kiddies tshirt and my M stands for mini me which i thought was cute for a kids tshirt. it features my kessie illustration and hand stitched elements and buttons. the photos aren't great so i will update when i get to take some in the day light!

and here is my tshirt for the madeit tshirt competition. its a kiddies tshirt and my M stands for mini me which i thought was cute for a kids tshirt. it features my kessie illustration and hand stitched elements and buttons. the photos aren't great so i will update when i get to take some in the day light!