i've been quite lazy with things in general lately, including this blog. i'm sorry, i think i have just had a creative block, like all my ideas have been snowed in for the winter.
so i thought i would share with you a few images from a time when my ideas weren't snowed in at all. in my final semester at uni i designed a gallery and artists spaces with the building being a surface for display. i literally made over 60 maquettes and had hundreds of sheets of drawings. i think i was so motivated because i loved the idea of creating a space where my art could have a home. and inversely i think maybe this is the same reason why i am so uninspired lately. i have sketches and finished drawings literally filling boxes but nowhere to show them so i have been sort of thinking lately what is the point really? i just don't know how you get to have your work be a part of exhibitions. but enough sooking, i hope you enjoy the images