So money makes the world go around, I get that. But sometimes it would be nice for money to make lovely special things happen like help awesome artists get cool projects off the ground.
So often we creative types have amazing ideas and dreams but they never become reality because the money needed to make it happen is out of control! It is sad really.
You are probably wondering what my point is, well this is it:
The amazingly talented Jordan Clarke has created a tarot deck which is completely gorgeous. No really, check it out here
Anyway, in order to make it all happen Jordan's amazing project a reality, she is asking for us to help her out by pledging donations to the project. If she reaches her target she can then get the cards printed and we can all have amazing cards to gaze at in awe (because they are that gorgeous!)
So if you would like to help a fellow creative lass out, have a look over at Jordans pledge site at IndieGoGo for all the details!