I blame the cold weather. it was pretty cold and windy yesterday in Melbourne. So rather than go and turn into an icy pole outside, I stayed in at lunch and had a little peek on etsy. This was a bad idea for my bank account because I went on a little mini art buying frenzy. at least i wil have something pretty to look at while i am stuck inside out of the cold

i picked up this lovely ACEO from bec winnel, from more of her work have a peek here

how amazing is this!!! check out steph chard's shop here

and lastly, but certainly not least - i picked up this gorgeous print of bacall from the lovely renee-anne's art4friends shop. again i have been etsy stalking this one for a little while!
renee-anne also has an exhibition tonight in sydney with ashlee maegan so if you are in town you should stop by and see her amazing work! I wish i could go, sadly i am stuck in melbourne trying to keep warm.
check out the details here
renee-anne also has an exhibition tonight in sydney with ashlee maegan so if you are in town you should stop by and see her amazing work! I wish i could go, sadly i am stuck in melbourne trying to keep warm.
check out the details here