
weekend markets

So this long weekend I have two markets happening which I am super excited about. So if you are in Melbourne stop by and say hello!

Featuring: ask, Black Panda Design, Flickettysplits, Konstant Kaos, Nini & Wink, Matt Nicholls, Mrs Beckinsale, Nancygirl, Naoko Inuzuka, truth.be.told, Sandra Eterovic and Two Layers of Cells.

Date: Sat 12 June, 11am - 4pm
Venue: City Library Gallery, 253 Flinders Lane

Sunday @ Rose Street Artist Market
11 - 5pm, 60 Roset Street Fitzroy

Hopefully see you there!

Oh and just a reminder that The Rose St. Artists' Market will be featured on channel 7's Coxy's Big Break this Sat from 5.30pm. Make sure you check it out!