
flimclip friday - Blood

I know I am absolutely horrible at keeping up with weekly series style blogs. I always start with the best of intentions then get distracted by shiny objects and completely forget. Despite my dismal track record I thought I might just give it another go and this one I think I will be able to stick with for two reasons:

1. I love film clips and can often still be found early on a Saturday morning sitting glued to the TV watching Rage or Video Hits. I ( I know I am not 12 anymore, but I love it)

2. I love music. I have 4 stereos in my house so music is never far away. And my ipod is permanently glued to my ears. I just can't go through my day without listening to some music. 

So for this inaugural filmclip friday, I share with you one of my favourite songs - Blood by the Middle East. I love the way this song builds slowly. I was lucky enough to see them play live when I saw Mumford & Sons in the USA last year and they were amazing.

Oh and the film clip is by the talented ladies from Greedy Hen - how unreal is it?