
Film Clip Friday - New Girl!

It's been a long week here at truth.be.told headquarters. Long hours at the day job and lots of things to get done around here have left me a little bit flat at the end of the week. 

Luckily when I was about to slip into a comatose state I came across something to lift my mood that also happens to make a perfect entry for this weeks Film Clip Friday. 

So this weeks Clip is the interactive film clip made my the clever kids behind the New Girl - it's like a choose your own adventure film clip for the shows theme.  Cool huh? Check out the pics below!

Now again, this isn't strictly a film clip in the traditional sense. In fact it is better. 
Why? Well it brings together a few of my favourite things: 

1. Choose your own adventure. Yes you get to choose how this film clip comes together. Seriously, the 8 year old in me that used to love those choose your own adventure books just passed out with excitement. And the grown up me isn't far off.   

2. New Girl is my fave show around at the moment. I can't get enough of it. Cute cast, quirky storylines and the lead character is named Jess just like me. Plus the character and I are kind of twins except she gets to use glitter more than I do. What is not to love.   

3. I think Zooey is the coolest, I've been on this bandwagon since I picked up my first issue of Nylon with her on the cover way back in like 2001. Seriously, who doesn't love this lady?

4. I like musicals a whole lot. So the fact this clip has a bunch of different dance numbers you can choose from is pretty much amazing x infinity in my books. 

5. I love colour. People in this clip are wearing some rad colours and there appears to be a whole ot of velvet involved in their outfits (check out the guy in the golden suit!) - my wardrobe is like a rainbow so this is what I wished my world looked like. Choosing to work in architecture wasn't a great way to make that happen. 

So anyway. Watch the clip. Choose your own adventure and have a happy Friday.