
Just a minute in....March

I've decided to join in a little series called Just a Minute that I found over at Daydream Lily. No while I am completely terrible at keeping up with any regular meme, I think maybe I can keep up with this. I mean it is only once a month! 

So without further ado - here is my minute in March

Reading... I just finished the super light but totally great The Younger Man by Zoe Foster. Now back to the classics with The Beautiful & the Damned by F.S Fitzgerald. 

Listening... Passenger All the Lights 

Watching... Movies: Like Crazy, My week with Marilyn. Both were amazing  
                      TV: Woodley, New Girl 

Buying... paper, paper & more paper for new products & invitations. Oh & the latest issue of Paper  (well the latest issue here in Australia, which is actually 2 months old. Grrr)

Loving... having brunch with friends at my faves 20 & 6, Fandango & my new like Carolina
My new O&M shampoo minis from AdoreBeauty. I know it is vain to love shampoo but I would marry this shampoo if it wasn't so weird.  

Wanting...desperately to go on a holiday. Anywhere. But preferably New Zealand. Or you know, NYC would be nice too. But really - anywhere is fine