The last Thread Den Market Day was super dooper fun, so the lovely ladies at Thread Den have decided to run another.
With 60 stalls winding through the Lithuanian Club, you will have heaps of lovely things to find. From unique vintage finds, to tasty homebaked treats, to handmade toys, clothing, stationary, textiles, homewares - theres something to keep your whole tribe happy.
So lock it in your diaries. This will be the perfect kick start to your Chrissy shopping, and a date not to be missed!
Sunday November 15, 10am-2pm
@ The Melbourne Lithuanian Club
44 Errol St, North Melbourne
I will be there again as I had a blast last time - find me in the ballroom! I will have all my goodies there including christmas cards and tags for you
PS. I finally finished my pieces for once upon last night just in time to post them off! I am so happy with them and it was a little sad to see my babies go