crazy hail + rain (see the umbrella top right? thats my stall)
we have been having some wild weather here in my lovely Melbourne town. Saturday I was sitting there at Rose Street Artist Markets getting a tiny bit sunburnt, only to get smashed by hail stones and a wayward umbrella about an hour later. My babies got a little wet. I resembled a drowned rat. Not so hot. But apart from that little set back my market weekend was delightful.
and i got a few sweet treats from myself. like this brooch from okt-ober dee above. i love it. like crazy love it. lauren is a geelong girl who makes completely gorgeous bags and jewelry. i used to swoon over her lovely wares at her shop in geelong when i was a student down there. you should check out her website - and shop up big, if i wasn't going on a holiday i would have purchased about 3 bags yesterday. and a necklace. and more brooches. so dangerous having a stall sometimes!
and........ here are a there are a few new additions to my shop - some lovely new sewn cards. and only $5. gee what a bargain - even if i do say so myself. go check them out.