

I know this is probably a little late seeing its almost a week into 2011, but I thought I would wrap up 2010. Not because anything that remarkable happened but I think you need to sometimes box things up before you can move onto the next thing. Maybe it was end of year blues but by the end of the year all I felt was defeated, tired, unchallenged and generally over everyone and everything. Some big things happened in 2010 - some great, some that will take me a long time to move on from. But looking back at the blog I saw 2010 for what it was - an amazingly fun, challenging and rewarding year. So here it goes. 

I went on my dream trip & finally left the country. I fell in love with NYC. I saw some bands I like way too many times maybe. I spent my weekends at the markets selling my wares. I drew a whole lot. I was part of some truly great exhibitions. I got too many dresses. 
I got a super cute bike. I spent time with my friends dancing, eating and being merry. 
I lost someone I loved more than words. 

So for 2011 I don't want to make resolutions, I am not great at keeping them. I just want to list out some things that are important to me and things I hope I can achieve. 
So again, here it goes. 

I want to spend more time with the people I love 
I want to go and see more of the world
I want to get up in the morning and feel like I am contributing something. 
I want to make more time to draw and have fun projects. 
I just want to be happier

I realise I'm not the same person I was a year ago in some ways and I'm starting to think that this is a great thing.